Family offices are often perceived as enigmatic entities, operating behind closed doors, shrouded in mystery. However, they are, at their core, businesses striving for excellence, just like any other enterprise. Constantly evaluating their strategies, operations, and technology, they are on a perpetual quest for improvement. Yet, what defines operational excellence for family offices remains a multifaceted question, complicated by the unique nature of each office.
In the Family Office Operational Excellence Report, our aim is clear: to replace heuristic rules of thumb with hard data, offering empirical insights and benchmarking data tailored to family offices of different sizes and vintages. Through careful segmentation of survey data, we illuminate trends and disparities, shedding light on the varied approaches to operational efficiency within the family office landscape.
This report was prepared with the support of AlTi Tiedemann Global, a global multi-family office serving families in Norh America, Europe and Asia.